Thursday, July 12, 2012

Our house is happy again!

We lost our feline friend, Henry, on July 5, 2012. He was 14 years old and the best cat you could ever want. Prior to Henry, we had a female cat, Daphne, who lived to be 22 years old. Henry was a smart and loving companion and my husband and I were lost without him. My husband was hesitant about getting another cat but I told him the only way we can try to heal our broken hearts is to help another animal who needs a home. I went on the Peaceable Kingdom website and found they were offering cats for adoption at Pet Smart so off we went to Pet Smart. There were so many to chose from and we loved them all but one in particular, Oreo, really touched our hearts and we started the adoption process for him and were able to bring him home 7/11/12. He is such a joy and we love him dearly. He's very happy exploring his new surroundings and appears extremely content. He has made our little family whole again and we are so grateful to Peaceable Kingdom and their volunteer, Leigh Ann,
for allowing him to come into our home. Thank you for being there for homeless pets.

Donald & Corinne